Le Point Afrique Tribune – Centrafrique : pourquoi il est urgent de lutter contre les réseaux criminels
Cette tribune a été initialement publiée par Le Point Afrique et a été écrite par la chercheuse et analyste de l’Enough Project, Nathalia Dukhan ...
Le Monde Tribune : En Centrafrique, les groupes armés prolifèrent grâce à une impunité totale
Quatorze factions armées, une myriade de milices locales, des intrusions de mercenaires venus des pays limitrophes, une armée informelle « milicianisée ». En août, soit moins d’un an après le retrait officiel de l’opération militaire française « Sangaris », plus de 80 % du territoire de la République centrafricaine est sous le contrôle ou l’influence de milices armées ...
Splintered Warfare: Alliances, affiliations, and agendas of armed factions and politico-military groups in the Central African Republic
This new report maps the current armed factions and politico-military groups in the Central African Republic ...
Mediapart Tribune : En finir avec l’impunité pour éviter un nouveau nettoyage ethnique en Centrafrique
En choisissant d’imposer des sanctions ciblées à l’encontre de deux commandants de milices armées, Abdoulaye Hissène et Maxime Mokom, les Etats Unis redonnent une lueur d’espoir dans la lutte contre l’impunité en République Centrafricaine ...
Dangerous Divisions: The Central African Republic faces the threat of secession
The Central African Republic (CAR), a country that has seen more than four years of deep political crisis and unprecedented violence against civilians, is undergoing a process of de facto partition. In February 2014, then-U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned the international community that CAR was at risk of splitting apart, stating that, “[T]he situation continues to worsen. Both Muslims and Christians have been murdered and forced to flee their homes. The sectarian brutality is changing the country’s demography. The de facto partition of the CAR is a distinct risk.” Despite his warning, CAR did not escape this fate. In 2017, ...
UN Report Confirms Prevalence of War Economy in Central African Republic
In its final report for 2016 released in December, the U.N. Security Council’s Panel of Experts on the Central African Republic (CAR) confirmed that the trafficking of arms and natural resources continues to be central in the perpetuation of violence in the country ...
UN Report Reaffirms Alarming Security Situation in Central African Republic
The U.N. Security Council’s Panel of Experts on the Central African Republic (CAR) released its final report for 2016 in December. The 186-page report documents a sharp deterioration in the security situation and a deepening crisis in CAR since August 2016. The country continues to be ruled by a multitude of criminal gangs that fiercely compete for control of economic resources ...
New UN investigative report reveals failures to tackle the root causes of conflict in CAR
The midterm report published last week by the UN Panel of Experts on the Central African Republic (CAR) reveals that the security situation throughout CAR remains concerning. Despite noticeable security improvements following the electoral process in early 2016, an upsurge in violence starting from June 2016 in the capital, Bangui, and in rural areas indicate that the root causes of violence persist ...
In CAR: An Anti-Balaka Leader Close to Bozize Integrated to the National Police Force
While all eyes are turned to the direction of the Central African government and its new leader Faustin Archange Touadera, the hope borne of the elections last March is progressively making way for fear ...
Striking Photos Highlight CAR’s Hidden Conflict
On July 12, the French news outlet Le Monde published a series of breathtaking photos on the Central African Republic's hidden conflict, taken by french photographer, William Daniels ...