Central African Republic Reports
Prolifération II: La frénésie du pouvoir et les guerres d’influence aux origines de l’escalade des violences sectaires en République centrafricaine

Cinq après le déclenchement de la guerre en République centrafricaine (RCA), le dénouement du conflit semble lointain ...
Splintered Warfare II: How Foreign Interference is Fueling Kleptocracy, Warlordism, and an Escalating Violent Crisis in the Central African Republic

Download the full report By Nathalia Dukhan Executive Summary Five years after war broke out in the Central African Republic (CAR), the conflict has no end in sight.[i] The country has become ungovernable over time and is sinking into a structural crisis. Despite being branded a low-intensity conflict, it is brutal and bloody. Entire communities are regularly targeted in carefully orchestrated military operations. Politico-military groups and various armed factions that effectively rule the country are held responsible for the chaos.[ii] Since 2014, the proliferation of these armed groups across the country[iii] has confirmed how deeply rooted politico-criminal entrepreneurship has become ...
Splintered Warfare: Alliances, affiliations, and agendas of armed factions and politico-military groups in the Central African Republic

This new report maps the current armed factions and politico-military groups in the Central African Republic ...
Dangerous Divisions: The Central African Republic faces the threat of secession

The Central African Republic (CAR), a country that has seen more than four years of deep political crisis and unprecedented violence against civilians, is undergoing a process of de facto partition. In February 2014, then-U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned the international community that CAR was at risk of splitting apart, stating that, “[T]he situation continues to worsen. Both Muslims and Christians have been murdered and forced to flee their homes. The sectarian brutality is changing the country’s demography. The de facto partition of the CAR is a distinct risk.” Despite his warning, CAR did not escape this fate. In 2017, ...
The Bangui Carousel: How the recycling of political elites reinforces instability and violence in the Central African Republic

The successful February 2016 election of President Faustin Archange Touadéra marks a new beginning for the Central African Republic (CAR) and provides hope that the country is now stabilizing after three years of violence and political transition. Touadéra has been endorsed by many of his political opponents, and the country remained largely peaceful in the weeks following the elections ...
Warlord Business: CAR’s Violent Armed Groups and their Criminal Operations for Profit and Power

Political Economy of African Wars Series “Warlord Business” is the second in a new series of in-depth, field research-driven reports on the dynamics of profit and power fueling war in the Horn, East and Central Africa. Violent kleptocracies dominate the political landscape of this region, leading to protracted conflicts marked by the commission of mass atrocities by state and non-state actors. Enough's Political Economy of African Wars series will focus on the key players in these conflicts, their motivations, how they benefit from the evolving war economies, and what policies might be most effective in changing the calculations of those ...
Behind the Headlines: Drivers of Violence in the Central African Republic

The Enough Project has been closely following the violent conflict in Central African Republic, where mass killings and human rights abuses continue at an alarming rate. This new report authored by Field Researcher Kasper Agger explores the underlying drivers of the conflict, including regional dynamics and natural resource exploitation. Additionally it identifies ways the international community can support sustainable peace and stability ...
NGO Coalition Letter on the Central African Republic and South Sudan

Over two dozen humanitarian organizations and NGOs have issued a joint appeal to Secretary of State John F. Kerry and Director of Office of Management and Budget Sylvia M. Burwell in advance of President Obama’s FY2015 Budget request to Congress, asking them to fulfill existing U.S. commitments in South Sudan and anticipate growing needs in the Central African Republic ...
On the Heels of Kony: The Untold Tragedy Unfolding in the Central African Republic

Enough Field Research Ledio Cakaj follows the violent path of Joseph Kony and his Lord's Resistance Army ...