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Tag: Sudan

الأزمة بين قادة المعارضة السودانية المسلحة تؤجج التوترات العرقية وتعوق وصول المساعدات وتهدد جهود السلام المبذولة

نشرت مؤسسة "Enough Project" -اليوم- تقريرًا تحذر فيه من أن التفاقم الحالي في الانقسام السياسي بين قادة الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان - شمال، وهي إحدى حركات المعارضة السودانية المسلحة -يعمل على زيادة حدة التوترات القبلية والأزمة الإنسانية الواقعة في المناطق التي تخضع لسيطرة الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان - شمال في ولايتي النيل الأزرق وجنوب كردفان (المعروفتان باسم "المنطقتان").

By Enough Team

July 21, 2017

New Report on Addressing a Dangerous Crisis in Sudan's SPLM-N

In this new report, author Dr. Suliman Baldo analyzes the worrying split within the Sudan People's Liberation Army-North and lays out recommendations to reverse the current trends and increase the chances for positive outcomes from the leadership crisis.

By Enough Team

July 20, 2017

Leadership Crisis in Sudan’s Armed Opposition Fueling Ethnic Tensions, Impeding Aid Access, Threatening Peace Efforts

A report published today by the Enough Project warns that the worsening political divide among leaders of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N), one of Sudan's main armed opposition movements, is exacerbating communal tensions and the humanitarian crisis in areas under SPLM-N control in Blue Nile and South Kordofan.

By Enough Team

July 20, 2017

A Question of Leadership: Addressing a Dangerous Crisis in Sudan's SPLM-N

Download the full report here | العربية A worsening recent political divide within the leadership of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N, or “movement”), traditionally based in South Kordofan and Blue Nile (the “Two Areas”), is increasingly likely to lead to a change of leadership of the movement. Of grave concern, the political divide has already led to […]

By Suliman Baldo

July 20, 2017

TIME Op-ed: Why Donald Trump Needs to Take Action on Sudan

In this op-ed, Enough's John Prendergast discusses the opportunity for the U.S. government to create a new human rights and peace track as part of a revitalized Sudan policy that addresses core U.S. interests such as peace, human rights, security, and good governance.

By Enough Team

June 2, 2017