Central African Republic Content
U.S. to Introduce UN Security Council Resolution for Targeted Sanctions, Arms Embargo on South Sudan
Today, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power announced that the U.S. will introduce a resolution in the U.N. Security Council for targeted sanctions and an arms embargo for South Sudan. The Enough Project urges U.N. Security Council members to support the resolution to address the crisis in South Sudan ...
EU Hosts Brussels Donor Conference on Central African Republic
Tomorrow, the European Union in partnership with the Government of the Central African Republic (CAR) will host the Brussels Conference. At the Conference, representatives of the international community will meet to discuss how donors can provide support to CAR and the government of President Faustin Archange Touadéra ...
Jeune Afrique Op-ed: Conférences des bailleurs : des perfusions à fonds perdus pour la Centrafrique
Alors que Bruxelles s’apprête à recevoir jeudi 17 novembre une nouvelle conférence des bailleurs de fonds sur la République centrafricaine, de profondes incertitudes demeurent quant aux garanties offertes par le président Faustin-Archange Touadéra pour restaurer la paix ...
UN Investigative Report Alleges that an Oil Company Finances Criminal Enterprise in the Central African Republic
The UN Panel of Experts on the Central African Republic (the Panel) presented evidence in their recent investigative report of a financial deal between a company called FIT Protection (FIT-P) and an armed group, an ex-Séléka faction known as the Mouvement Patriotique pour la Centrafrique (MPC) founded in 2014 by Mahamed Bahar, former intelligence chief during the Seleka regime, and Alkatim Mahamat, a notorious Chadian warlord ...
New UN investigative report reveals failures to tackle the root causes of conflict in CAR
The midterm report published last week by the UN Panel of Experts on the Central African Republic (CAR) reveals that the security situation throughout CAR remains concerning. Despite noticeable security improvements following the electoral process in early 2016, an upsurge in violence starting from June 2016 in the capital, Bangui, and in rural areas indicate that the root causes of violence persist ...
Un nouveau rapport dénonce le système destructeur et criminel mis en place par les élites au pouvoir en République centrafricaine
Un nouveau rapport intitulé « The Bangui Carousel: How the recycling of political elites reinforces instability and violence in the Central African Republic » (Tours de manège à Bangui : Comment le recyclage des élites politiques aggrave l’instabilité et la violence en République centrafricaine) publié par Enough Project, révèle comment un groupe restreint d’individus se succède aux plus hautes fonctions de l’État centrafricain, dans une spirale de corruption qui nuit à la gouvernance et alimente l’instabilité et les conflits armés ...
New Report on Central African Republic: The Bangui Carousel

A new Enough Project report, The Bangui Carousel, documents the recycling of a small group of elites at the helm of the Central African Republic (CAR) government, and how groups and individuals benefit from this system at the expense of CAR’s citizens ...
The Bangui Carousel: How the recycling of political elites reinforces instability and violence in the Central African Republic

The successful February 2016 election of President Faustin Archange Touadéra marks a new beginning for the Central African Republic (CAR) and provides hope that the country is now stabilizing after three years of violence and political transition. Touadéra has been endorsed by many of his political opponents, and the country remained largely peaceful in the weeks following the elections ...
The Bangui Carousel: New Report Exposes Destructive, Deadly Pattern of Ruling Elites in Central African Republic
A new report, “The Bangui Carousel: How the recycling of political elites reinforces instability and violence in the Central African Republic,” published today by the Enough Project, reveals how a small group of elites rotate through positions of power in a cycle of corruption that undermines governance and contributes to instability and armed conflict ...
In CAR: An Anti-Balaka Leader Close to Bozize Integrated to the National Police Force

While all eyes are turned to the direction of the Central African government and its new leader Faustin Archange Touadera, the hope borne of the elections last March is progressively making way for fear ...