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Category: Press Releases

Bank Scandal in Congo

D.R. Congo
Newly uncovered evidence published today by The Sentry reveals that BGFIBank DRC, a Congolese bank run and partly owned by members of President Joseph Kabila’s family, maintained accounts up to at least 2016 for companies with ties to terrorists ...

“EuroPressure”: European Union Has Tools to Stop Violent Kleptocrats in South Sudan, Reinvigorate Peace Process

South Sudan
A new policy report published today by the Enough Project urges the European Union to more clearly and consistently assert leadership and develop much-needed financial leverage that could support a truly reinvigorated peace process in South Sudan, a country hijacked by corrupt elites and marred by brutal conflict and urgent humanitarian crises ...

Bipartisan Congressional Letter Urges Corruption and Human Rights Benchmarks for U.S.-Sudan Policy

Today, in a bipartisan letter to U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan, 57 members of Congress pushed back against normalizing relations with a Sudanese regime that is still run by a leader wanted for genocide and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court ...

U.S. Takes Action against South Sudanese Public and Private Oil Entities

Today, the United States announced it was taking action against 15 South Sudanese oil-related entities “whose revenues have contributed to the ongoing crisis in South Sudan.” U.S. as well as non-U.S. companies will now need a license to export, re-export, or transfer exports of any U.S.-origin goods or technology to the listed entities ...

The Sentry Brings Aboard OFAC Corruption and Human Rights Targeting Chief Joshua White as Director of Policy and Analysis

The Sentry is pleased to announce its new Director of Policy and Analysis, Joshua White ...

BREAKING: Sentry Investigation Sheds Light on South Sudan’s Elites’ Use of the Country’s Oil to Fund Militias, Get Richer

South Sudan’s elite is using the country’s oil wealth to get rich and terrorize civilians, according to documents reviewed in an ongoing investigation by The Sentry, an investigative initiative co-founded by George Clooney and John Prendergast ...

Next Phase of U.S.-Sudan Relations Requires Scrutiny, Benchmarks as Khartoum Regime Seeks Normalization, Lifting of Terrorist Designation

As Sudan seeks further normalization of relations with the United States, including seeking removal from the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, a new report published today by the Enough Project highlights serious concerns including links to extremists and terrorists, abuses against Christians and other religious minorities, and regional destabilization ...

Enough Project Statement: Time for Serious Peace Negotiations in South Sudan

South Sudan
As the IGAD-led High Level Revitalization Forum kicks off today, the stakes have never been higher for South Sudan ...

30th African Union Summit: Spotlight on Corruption Welcome

The 30th Assembly of the Heads of State and Government of the African Union from January 28-29 will focus on: "Winning the Fight against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa’s Transformation." ...

African Union and IGAD Urged to Clamp Down on Spoilers Undermining South Sudan’s Peace Process

South Sudan
New Report Details How Repeated Failure by Regional Bodies to Follow Words with Action Fuels War in South Sudan ...