Central African Republic Content
War Crimes Suspect Patrice-Edouard Ngaissona Turned Over to the ICC: A Glimmer of Hope for Victims in CAR
Today, a Central African Republican militia commander, Patrice-Edouard Ngaissona, was arrested by French authorities in Paris, pursuant to an International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrant ...
The International Criminal Court makes strides to address atrocities in the Central African Republic

The ICC made major strides last week in a lower-profile investigation into atrocity crimes in the Central African Republic, demonstrating its considerable power to intervene in some of the world’s worst ongoing atrocities ...
New Report – Fear, Inc.: War Profiteering in the Central African Republic and the Bloody Rise of Abdoulaye Hissène

The Sentry’s latest report released today focuses on the financial drivers of the protracted crisis in the Central African Republic, and follows the path of Abdoulaye Hissène ...
“Fear, Inc.” New Investigative Report Exposes Billion Dollar Business Built on Atrocities and War in the Central African Republic
In its newest report released today, The Sentry details the violent ascent of a war profiteer in the Central African Republic (CAR), and the role he and other criminal entrepreneurs, both foreign and domestic, have played in driving a country into a morass of war, poverty, and pervasive terror ...
FEAR, INC.: War Profiteering in the Central African Republic and the Bloody Rise of Abdoulaye Hissène

Read the one-pager on The Sentry's latest report ...
“Le règne de la terreur” Un nouveau rapport d’enquête met en lumière comment les violences et la guerre génèrent des centaines de millions de dollars en République centrafricaine
Dans son dernier rapport publié aujourd'hui, The Sentry suit l'ascension violente d'un profiteur de guerre en République centrafricaine (RCA). Relié en réseau avec des entrepreneurs criminels tant étrangers que nationaux, ce seigneur de guerre contribue à prolonger l’état de guerre et de misère ...
Shifting Alliances, Foreign Interference: Mapping the Web of Armed Groups in the Central African Republic
Proliferation of competing national, regional, and international war profiteers could lead to “bloodier than ever” conflict, warns new Enough Project report ...
Alliances éphémères, Interférences étrangères : une cartographie du vaste réseau de groupes armés en République centrafricaine
La prolifération de profiteurs de guerre nationaux, régionaux et internationaux, motivés par des intérêts rivaux, pourrait conduire à un conflit « plus sanglant que jamais », avertit le nouveau rapport d'Enough Project ...
Prolifération II: La frénésie du pouvoir et les guerres d’influence aux origines de l’escalade des violences sectaires en République centrafricaine

Cinq après le déclenchement de la guerre en République centrafricaine (RCA), le dénouement du conflit semble lointain ...
Splintered Warfare II: How Foreign Interference is Fueling Kleptocracy, Warlordism, and an Escalating Violent Crisis in the Central African Republic

Download the full report By Nathalia Dukhan Executive Summary Five years after war broke out in the Central African Republic (CAR), the conflict has no end in sight.[i] The country has become ungovernable over time and is sinking into a structural crisis. Despite being branded a low-intensity conflict, it is brutal and bloody. Entire communities are regularly targeted in carefully orchestrated military operations. Politico-military groups and various armed factions that effectively rule the country are held responsible for the chaos.[ii] Since 2014, the proliferation of these armed groups across the country[iii] has confirmed how deeply rooted politico-criminal entrepreneurship has become ...