The Answer to Darfur

Though it has garnered the concern and condemnation of governments worldwide and triggered unprecedented grassroots activism in the United States, the crisis in Darfur continues to intensify. In response to what both the legislative and executive branches of the U.S. government have repeatedly called genocide, the gulf between rhetoric and action on the part of the Bush administration is profound ...
Abyei Crisis Must be Resolved Immediately: Report
Date: April 4, 2011 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Matt Brown, [email protected], 202-468-2925 WASHINGTON – The intentional burning of villages in Sudan’s contested Abyei region demonstrate the urgent need for a resolution to the Abyei crisis, eminent Sudan scholar Douglas H. Johnson said in a paper released today by the Enough Project. The report, “Abyei: Sudan’s West Bank,” critiques international mediation efforts and urges a principled approach to secure a peaceful solution. “Recent fighting in Abyei is the most serious sign yet that, despite public pronouncements so enthusiastically hailed by the international community, Khartoum is not committed to a full implementation ...