Date: April 4, 2011
Contact: Matt Brown, [email protected], 202-468-2925
WASHINGTON – The intentional burning of villages in Sudan’s contested Abyei region demonstrate the urgent need for a resolution to the Abyei crisis, eminent Sudan scholar Douglas H. Johnson said in a paper released today by the Enough Project.
The report, “Abyei: Sudan’s West Bank,” critiques international mediation efforts and urges a principled approach to secure a peaceful solution.
“Recent fighting in Abyei is the most serious sign yet that, despite public pronouncements so enthusiastically hailed by the international community, Khartoum is not committed to a full implementation of the final stages of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement,” Johnson said.
The southern-aligned Ngok Dinka have traditionally inhabited Abyei. Northern-backed Misseriya militias have recently clashed with the southern police forces. Thousands have been displaced and analysts warn that the conflict could lead to renewed civil war between the North and the South.
“There is little time left for the two parties to reach agreement on the status of Abyei,” said Enough Executive Director John Bradshaw. “The security situation on the ground is becoming more urgent by the day.”
Johnson served as an advisor during the Comprehensive Peace Agreement negotiations and later as a member of the Abyei Boundary Commission. He is the author of numerous works on Sudan including When Boundaries Become Borders: The Impact of Boundary-making on Southern Sudan’s Frontier Zones. The report reflects the personal views of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Enough Project.
Read the report, “Abyei: Sudan’s West Bank.”
Enough is a project of the Center for American Progress to end genocide and crimes against humanity. Founded in 2007, the Enough Project focuses on crises in Sudan, eastern Congo, and areas of Africa affected by the Lord’s Resistance Army. Enough’s strategy papers and briefings provide sharp field analysis and targeted policy recommendations based on a “3P” crisis response strategy: promoting durable peace, providing civilian protection, and punishing perpetrators of atrocities. Enough works with concerned citizens, advocates, and policy makers to prevent, mitigate, and resolve these crises. For more information, please visit