يجب على الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية التعجيل برفع اسم السودان من قائمة الدول الراعية للإرهاب وفرض عقوبات على شبكات المخرِّبين الذين يحاولون زعزعة السلام في البلاد

لقد آن الأوان لرفع اسم السودان من قائمة الدول الراعية للإرهاب، ومن ثم يجب على الولايات المتحدة التعجيل باتخاذ هذا القرار. وفي الوقت ذاته، يتعين عليها دعم جهود الإصلاح من خلال فرض عقوبات تستهدف شبكات المخرِّبين من المسؤولين والعناصر التمكينية التي تعمل على زعزعة السلام، وانتهاك حقوق الإنسان، وتقويض عملية التحول الديمقراطي ...
Solutions to Conflict Gold Smuggling from Venezuela, Congo, and Beyond: Event at the Atlantic Council
Sasha Lezhnev, Deputy Director of Policy at the Enough Project, participated in a panel discussion at the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center on December 10 titled “Venezuelan illegal mining: Transnational crime, displacement, and violence.” ...
BREAKING: U.S. Sanctions Individuals Linked to Killing of South Sudan Human Rights Activists Dong Samuel and Aggrey Idri
The U.S. Department of the Treasury announced a new set of sanctions today, including actions against five individuals responsible for the abduction and murder of two South Sudanese human rights activists in 2017, Dong Samuel and Aggrey Idri ...
Enough’s Sasha Lezhnev Briefs UN Security Council on Central Africa: Preventing Conflict by Focusing on Financial Issues

On December 6, Enough Project Deputy Director of Policy Sasha Lezhnev briefed the United Nations Security Council on conflict prevention in Central Africa, emphasizing the need for the Council and the United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) to focus strategically on the financial aspect of crises in the region ...
Sudanese Prime Minister Hamdok Recognizes the Role of Darfur Activist Movement
In 2004, a coalition of religious, political, and humanitarian organizations came together to address disturbing reports of atrocities that began emerging from Sudan’s western region of Darfur in 2003. For years, they raised awareness and advocated for international action to support the Sudanese people’s quest for peace and an end to the brutal regime headed by Omar al-Bashir, who was removed from power in April 2019. Now, Sudan’s new civilian prime minister has linked the profound changes in Sudan’s governance structure to the solidarity of those international activists and organizations. Advocacy in the United States focused on the genocide in ...
رئيس الوزراء السوداني حمدوك يثمن دور حركة النشطاء حول احداث دارفور
في عام 2004، اجتمع تحالف من المنظمات الدينية والسياسية والإنسانية للتصدي للتقارير المثيرة للقلق التي بدات في الورود بشأن الأعمال الوحشية الجارية بمنطقة دارفور بغرب السودان منذ عام 2003. وعلى مدى عدة سنوات، قامت تلك المنظمات برفع مستوى الوعي ونادت باتخاذ إجراءات دولية لدعم سعي الشعب السوداني من أجل تحقيق السلام ووضع حد للنظام االعنيف الذي يترأسه عمر البشير، الذي أطيح به من السلطة في أبريل 2019. ، ولقد قام رئيس الوزراء المدني الجديد في السودان مؤخرا بربط التغيرات الجوهرية في هيكل الحكم في السودان بالتضامن الذي الذي يجمع بين هؤلاء الناشطين والمنظمات الدولية. أدت عمليات المؤازرة والدعم في الولايات ...
Sanctions Strategies: How to Improve Sanctions Effectiveness with Strategic Planning
During a budget hearing in the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations, Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) highlighted a number of key questions and issues concerning sanctions strategies in Africa. Rep. Omar referred specifically to The Sentry’s recent report on sanctions effectiveness and inquired as to how the U.S. government develops its sanctions policies to include strategic alignment, clear messaging, and exit strategies. These are areas in which there is room for improvement ...
Enough Project and The Sentry Statement: Maximum Pressure Campaign and Diplomatic Surge Needed Now in South Sudan
Click here to download this statement. The latest postponement in South Sudan of the formation of a government of national unity for another 100 days, along with the lack of implementation of key aspects of the peace accord, demonstrates the inadequacy of current efforts to promote peace in the country. Ad hoc emergency diplomacy and vague threats of future consequences will not bring about the full implementation of the peace agreement. Given the monumental failures by the leaders of the South Sudanese government and the opposition, the time has come for a maximum pressure campaign, one that is tied to ...
New Report by The Sentry Details Impact of Sanctions in Sub-Saharan Africa
In-Depth Study Documents Successes and Challenges of Targeted Network Sanctions and Presents Recommendations to Increase Effectiveness ...
African Arguments Op-ed: Abyei: Sudan and South Sudan’s new chance to solve old disputes
This op-ed originally appeared in African Arguments and was written by John Prendergast, Co-Founder of The Sentry and Founding Director of the Enough Project, and Brian Adeba, Deputy Director of Policy at the Enough Project ...