Congo Rebel Leaders Stand Trial for War Atrocities

The International Criminal Court opened its second-ever trial today, where two alleged Congolese rebel leaders, Germain Katanga and Mathieu Ngudjolo, face 10 counts of crimes against humanity and war crimes, including murder, rape, sexual enslavement, and pillage ...
Sudan’s Oil Still Allures US, Chinese Investors

Despite pressures to disengage with Khartoum’s genocidal regime, the international community seems bent on pouring money into Sudan’s oil industry. Here’s a look at some recent investment decisions ...
Though Still (Officially) Wary, US Makes Appearance At ICC

At the first U.S. appearance at the International Criminal Court’s annual meetings, war crimes ambassador Stephen Rapp said yesterday that the United States is committed to supporting accountability and ending impunity for crimes against humanity ...
Tension Rising Over Sudan’s Abyei Region
Arguments over who should get to vote in Abyei’s referendum have bubbled up again between North and South Sudan, despite a final ruling issued by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in July that demarcated the region’s borders ...
FDLR Leader Arrested In Germany

German police today arrested two leaders of the FDLR, the Rwandan militia that continues to terrorize civilians in Congo and exploit the area’s precious minerals. Ignace Murwanashyaka, who U.N. officials called the highest-ranking leader of the FDLR, and Straton Musoni, his deputy, were arrested on suspicions of crimes against humanity and war crimes ...
As Darfur Talks Stall, Civil Society Leaders Have Their Say
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Darfur peace talks due to commence today were postponed once again. The meeting in Qatar between the Sudanese government and Darfur rebels met a familiar roadblock: divisions within rebel groups ...
South Sudan VP: Talks Over Referendum, Elections Progressing

South Sudan Vice President Riek Machar has returned to Juba after 12 days of negotiations in Khartoum with the North’s Vice President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha, and he reports that they’re making progress. According to Machar, who was quoted in the Sudan Tribune, the two sides have come closer to agreeing on the required turnout for the referendum ...
Easier Said Than Done: Gov’t To Close Darfur Camps

Rebel groups and Darfur experts are questioning Khartoum’s motivations for shutting down camps for internally displaced persons, or IDPs, in Darfur. The Sudan Tribune yesterday reported that the Sudanese government plans to shut down IDP camps in Darfur starting in early 2010 ...
UN: Rebels, Gov’t All Prevent Darfur Peace
All parties to the conflict in Darfur, including the Sudanese government, have failed in their obligation to comply with Security Council sanctions and international human rights law, said the United Nations Panel of Experts in a comprehensive report released Friday ...
MSF: ‘We Were Used As Bait’ In Congo Army Attack

Thousands of civilians were attacked by the Congolese army when it targeted seven Doctors Without Borders vaccination sites last week, the organization said in a press release ...