Darfur Peace Process Update: ‘Who Are We Fighting For?’

After nearly seven years of fighting, the displacement of three million people, and multiple failed attempts to negotiate peace, talks are ongoing to end the conflict in Darfur. Yet a close look reveals a flawed process, the impacts of which have not yet been felt where they matter the most: the ground in Darfur ...
5 Best Stories You Might Have Missed This Week

A weekly round-up of must-read stories, posted every Friday ...
Conflict Minerals Making News

Conflict minerals are steadily gaining prominence in the public debate over how to address the conflict in eastern Congo, paving the way for meaningful advocacy directed at the companies that benefit from Congo’s turmoil. An article in the Boston Globe and the latest U.S. human rights report on Congo are two examples ...
Congo Spotlighted in This Week’s Law & Order SVU
This week’s all-new episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit once again takes on an issue we at Enough are passionate about: ending the epidemic of violence against women in eastern Congo ...
LRA in Darfur? Regional Actors React

The news that Enough broke yesterday of a contingent of the Lord Resistance Army moving into Darfur generated considerable interest from a variety of regional actors. Some of the reactions, while predictable, were interesting for simply being over the top ...
5 Best Stories You Might Have Missed This Week
A weekly round-up of must-read stories, posted every Friday ...
Field Dispatch: The Arrow Boys of Southern Sudan

During our recent trip through southern Sudan, Enough’s South Sudan researcher Maggie Fick and I were intrigued by a relatively new actor in the fight against the Lord’s Resistance Army near Sudan’s border with Congo and the Central African Republic – a local defense force known as the Arrow Boys. Here's our new Field Dispatch about the group ...
Senate Passes LRA Bill, As LRA Finds Safe Haven in Sudan

The Senate bill aimed at devising a strategy for stopping the brutal, 24-year insurgency by Lord’s Resistance Army passed last night with a record 65 co-sponsors. But even as Enough, along with advocacy partners Resolve Uganda and Invisible Children, celebrate this progress in Congress, new alarming reports have emerged that a dangerous contingent of the LRA has made its way to Darfur ...
Field Dispatch: The Arrow Boys of Southern Sudan – An Army of the Willing

In the absence of an effective response by the Sudanese government to the LRA, many local men and boys have taken community security into their own hands. They are part of a loose-knit, meagerly armed, local defense force called the Arrow Boys ...
Anti-LRA Activists Celebrate as Senator Lifts Hold on Bill

After 262 hours protesting on the streets of Oklahoma City, activists focused on ending the senseless violence perpetrated by the Lord’s Resistance Army claimed a victory yesterday when Senator Coburn (R-OK) signaled he would remove his hold on a popular, bipartisan bill ...