Politico Op-ed: Susan Rice and Samantha Power, Up Close
In this season of divided politics and lowered expectations, President Obama has made two personnel decisions that will benefit U.S. foreign policy for a long time to come ...
HuffPo Op-ed: On Our Watch
As we gather to mark April as Genocide Awareness month, to recognize atrocities across the world and throughout history, it's important not just to recognize the past, but to learn from it ...
USA Today Op-ed: Lessons from Darfur, 10 Years Later
After our first trip to Darfur together nearly a decade ago, we were certain that the enormity of the human rights crimes unfolding there would result in a major international response ...
Politico Op-ed: Peace for Contrasting Conflicts
Not all rebellions are born alike. Nowhere could the contrast between freedom fighters and occupiers be more evident than in traveling through rebel-controlled territories of Sudan and Congo, respectively ...
Foreign Policy Op-ed: Preventing the Next Mali
The heat was stifling and the climb was steep, but Adam insisted that he show us the place where his life was forever altered ...
CNN Op-ed: Hope for an End to the World’s Deadliest War
Early one eastern Congolese morning six months ago, Josephine was sleeping in her hut, dreaming about selling her crops. She heard people singing victory songs, thinking it was part of her dream, but gunshots jolted her awake ...
Open Letter to President Obama
In an open letter to the President, Enough Project Co-founder John Prendergast and Executive Director John C. Bradshaw offer specific policy recommendations for Congo, the Sudans and the Lord's Resistance Army ...
Foreign Policy Op-ed: Get Kony
Before "Gangnam Style," there was the viral Kony 2012 video, which made Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) leader Joseph Kony the world's best-known international war criminal overnight ...
Foreign Policy Op-ed: The 7 Deadly Sins of Congo’s Peace Process
Only in the Alice in Wonderland world of war-torn eastern Congo would the withdrawal of M23 rebels from Congo's eastern provincial capital of Goma be cause for major celebration. The truth is that the retreat is just the latest chapter in a long story involving competing mafia-like political and military alliances controlled by leaders in the capitals of Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda, all of whom justify their actions in terms of national security concerns to mask economic and political interests ...
Politico Op-ed: Susan Rice in Africa
One of the usual victims in the politics of personal assassination is the truth. This phenomenon holds in the current extrajudicial “trial” of Susan Rice ...