Five Stories You May Have Missed This Week
A weekly roundup of must-read stories, posted every Friday ...
Melissa Fitzgerald: Using Theatre to Change Community Stigmas in Northern Uganda
Actress and Enough Project celebrity upstander Melissa Fitzgerald recently appeared on the Thom Hartman show to promote her new documentary, After Kony: Staging Hope, directed by Bil Yoelin ...
International Community Condemns Killing of U.N. Peacekeepers in Darfur
An ambush on U.N. Peacekeepers left seven Tanzanian soldiers dead and 17 others wounded 15 miles, or 25 kilometers, from Khor Abeche in Darfur on July 13 ...
Report: Sudan’s Bloody Periphery, The Toll on Civilians from the War in Blue Nile State
A new multimedia report and video produced for the Enough Project by Matthew LeRiche, and filmmaker Viktor Pesenti sheds light on the atrocities propagated by the government of Sudan in Blue Nile State as it combats the Sudan Revolutionary Front, or SRF ...
Sudan Democracy First Group Calls for Renewal of AUHIP Mandate
The Sudan Democracy First Group released the second issue of its monthly newsletter last week, providing analysis of the crises currently gripping the Sudans ...