Dear SEC Commissioners… Sincerely, 25,952 Concerned Consumers

Last week, the Enough Project was proud to deliver citizen petitions with the names of nearly 26,000 concerned consumers to three commissioners at the Securities and Exchange Commission, calling for robust conflict minerals regulations as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act ...
Turning Student Activism Toward Eastern Congo: Make Your Campus Conflict-Free

As responsible global citizens and consumers, we cannot allow our purchases to continue funding armed groups terrorizing communities in eastern Congo. There are solutions, and you as a university student have a powerful role to play ...
Women’s Rights are Human Rights

Melanne Verveer, the U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, recently hosted a panel at the State Department focused on gender-based violence as a development, humanitarian, security, and economic issue ...
What’s Next for Congo’s Youth?

If we believe that youth are our future, then what does eastern Congo’s future really hold? ...
In D.C. Today? Join Us at Georgetown’s New Apple Store

We all love Apple products, and many of us are quite excited Apple is opening up a new store today in Georgetown - their first in D.C. proper. But Apple is unfortunately regarded as among the worst major tech suppliers on the issue of conflict minerals, and we're taking a stand ...