We all love Apple products, and many of us are quite excited Apple is opening up a new store today in Georgetown – their first in D.C. proper. But Apple is unfortunately regarded as among the worst major tech suppliers on the issue of conflict minerals, and we’re taking a stand. We’ll be meeting up with Lisa Shannon, author of the recently published A Thousand Sisters and founder of Run for Congo Women, and a group of activists at the store opening to tell Apple that we demand better.
Some tech producers have engaged in dialogue on the issue and are proactively pursuing audits of their own supply chains, but Apple has consistently remained on the sidelines when it comes to addressing conflict minerals. Today, we’re asking Apple to:
1. Be honest. Admit you likely have conflict minerals from the Congo in your products, as other industry leaders have done.
2. Publicly commit to be responsible for your supply chain and take steps to guarantee conflict-free.
Join us at the new Georgetown Apple store at 1229 Wisconsin Avenue NW on Friday, June 18 at 4:00 p.m. if you’re in the area. As loyal Apple consumers, we’d be proud to buy their guaranteed conflict-free products.