With New Board, Obama Prioritizes Atrocity and Genocide Prevention

On Thursday, the White House announced some positive news in the fight against genocide and mass atrocities. The administration plans to create a new interagency Atrocities Prevention Board that will coordinate a comprehensive government approach to prevent mass atrocities and genocide . The board —whose exact authority, mandate, and structure will be under interagency review over the next months —will begin functioning within 120 days, according to the presidential directive announcing its creation ...
Prendergast and Colbert Talk South Sudan
Last night, Enough Co-Founder John Prendergast appeared on “The Colbert Report” to talk about how the new nation of South Sudan arrived on the world stage, and the obstacles the country now has to overcome ...
U.N. Report: ‘Condemnation is Insufficient’ for South Kordofan Atrocities

In the most comprehensive cataloguing of gross human rights violations committed in the conflict so far, a June UNMIS human rights report seen by Enough provides gruesome details of brazen executions of civilians, intimidation and assault of U.N. personnel, and forced returns and displacement of populations, all acts that may constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity ...
Rethinking Sudan after Southern Secession

The international community’s robust push for southern independence, while successful, has been the continuation of a long-standing piecemeal approach to Sudan that addresses the symptoms, rather than the root causes of the country’s conflicts. Less has been said of the fragility and potential for mass conflict that exists in what will be left of Sudan itself, and the policy changes needed to address this reality ...
Sudan Split is Far From a Guarantee for Peace

This Saturday, South Sudanese around the world will exuberantly celebrate the birth of the new country of South Sudan. Concerted international diplomacy, including the robust efforts of the Obama administration, helped pave the way for this moment, the culmination of a 2005 peace agreement brokered by the international community between the Sudanese government and what was then the southern rebel movement, the SPLM/A, to end two decades of war. But even as the arrival of South Sudan on the world stage is evidence of a diplomatic success, the insecurity that has proliferated in both the North and the South is ...
Drawing from Tried-and-True Tactics, Sudan Targets Civilians in South Kordofan
Nearly three weeks into intense fighting in the Sudanese border state of South Kordofan the Sudanese government appears intent, in the face of international condemnation, to add to the already long list of serious international law violations that reports say its forces are committing on the ground ...
Signs Point to Ever Worsening Conflict in Sudan’s South Kordofan
Aerial bombardments, restrictions on humanitarian access, and the targeting of civilians continue to take place in the Sudanese border state of South Kordofan, amid continued fighting between the Sudanese army and elements of the SPLA. Churches, aid workers, and NGOs have described the Sudanese government’s actions as ethnic cleansing. Now, the latest satellite images analyzed by Satellite Sentinel Project and confidential U.N. reports reported in the news indicate that a major ground offensive by the Sudan Armed Forces may be in the works, suggesting that the violence may be far from over ...
U.N.: Civilians Targeted as Violence Worsens in Southern Kordofan
The U.N. human rights office today reported that “extremely worrying” attacks on civilians and indiscriminant shelling are taking place in Southern Kordofan. Civilian deaths and injuries in the towns of Talodi and Um Durein have been confirmed while house-to-house searches near Kadugli, and attacks on both displaced people seeking refuge and civilians returning home for provisions have been reported. The U.N. also reported that “fighting forces” have erected roadblocks that are preventing medical and humanitarian access and called on all parties to the conflict to allow safe passage to civilians ...
Fighting Rages in Southern Kordofan
Intense fighting and violence continue in the volatile border state of Southern Kordofan between the northern army, or SAF, and elements of the southern army, or SPLA. According to the latest account from AFP, U.N. sources observed Antonov bombers and fighter jets flying around the state capital of Kadugli, following the shelling of SPLA positions by the northern army since Tuesday. Witnesses on the ground described northern-affiliated forces taking aggressive measures against civilians and conducting house-to-house searches for SPLA troops, the article also said ...
Abyei Town Ransacked, Security and Humanitarian Situation Dire
Nearly a week after the Sudanese army forcibly took over the disputed border area of Abyei in a strategic aerial and ground campaign backed by militias, the Sudanese government remains intransigent, responding to international condemnation and calls to withdraw from the region with avowals to remain in Abyei and even to retaliate. Though South Sudan President Salva Kiir announced today that the South will not be provoked into going to war, the situation remains dire, with little humanitarian access to those newly displaced and limited independent monitoring of what is taking place on the ground in Abyei itself ...