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Blowback: How China torpedoes its investments

Blowback: How China torpedoes its investments
China’s support for despots in Sudan, Zimbabwe, and Burma is a bad investment. In the long-run, China’s own interests would better be served by standing up to states that abuse their own citizens ...


A press roundtable and conference call to discuss the Christian Companion, a faith-based study guide and authorized companion to the best-selling Not on Our Watch by actor Don Cheadle and the ENOUGH Project’s John Prendergast ...

U.S. Strategy In Somalia: ‘Whac-A-Mole’

Thursday, August 7, is the ten-year anniversary of the al-Qaeda bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. For the better part of ten years, the U.S. government has worked closely with intelligence agencies in Ethiopia and Kenya to track the movements of three al-Qaeda operatives alleged to be responsible for planning the operation, which killed more than 250 people and wounded thousands more. The suspects have frequently taken refuge in Somalia, exploiting the porous borders and ungoverned spaces of the world’s number one failed state. One of those suspects, the alleged leader of al-Qaeda in East Africa Fazul Abdullah ...

Don’t Blame Human Rights Activists for Crimes Against Humanity

This weekend, human rights contrarian David Rieff’s op-ed in the LA Times castigated activists for “human rights triumphalism” after the International Criminal Court’s move to indict Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and argued “it would make more sense to try to restart negotiations in a serious way with Bashir and his government than to indulge in ‘Count of Monte Cristo’-like fantasies of the wicked getting their comeuppance.” Rieff’s timing could not have been worse: the very next day, Serbia captured indicted war criminal Radovan Karadzic, the man most responsible for the crimes against humanity in Bosnia that Rieff lambasted western governments ...

Press Release: Irresolution: The U.N. Security Council on Darfur

Last week’s move by the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, or ICC, to seek an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir introduces a new point of leverage with the Sudanese government and provides an opportunity for the U.N. Security Council to demand real changes in Khartoum’s policies and behavior. Unfortunately, the historical record suggests that the Council will likely miss this opportunity as it has missed many others during the past five years ...

Don’t Blame Human Rights Activists for Crimes Against Humanity

Don’t Blame Human Rights Activists for Crimes Against Humanity
Don’t Blame Human Rights Activists for Crimes Against Humanity ...

IRRESOLUTION: The U.N. Security Council on Darfur

IRRESOLUTION: The U.N. Security Council on Darfur
Steps towards an International Criminal Court arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir provides an opportunity for the U.N. Security Council to demand real changes in Khartoum’s policies and behavior. Unfortunately, the historical record suggests that the Council will likely miss this opportunity as it has missed many others during the past five years. This report diagnoses the underlying obstacles to effective Security Council response, providing a practical guide on how activists can better engage their governments to stop—and ultimately prevent—genocide and crimes against humanity ...

Press Release: The Case against Robert Mugabe

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The Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court sent a chilling message to war criminals around the world last week when he requested an arrest warrant against Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and his cronies are almost certainly paying close attention ...

Seeking Justice for Zimbabwe: A Case for Accountability Against Robert Mugabe and Others, 1981-2008

Seeking Justice for Zimbabwe: A Case for Accountability Against Robert Mugabe and Others, 1981-2008
For almost three decades Robert Mugabe has ruled Zimbabwe. Under his regime Zimbabwe has declined into a state of anarchy. Recent political unrest around the elections for President has resulted in death, destruction of property, persecution of political opponents, and the flight of Zimbabweans out of the country ...

Defending Mugabe and Bashir: China’s Olympic Dream?

Defending Mugabe and Bashir: China’s Olympic Dream?
The Beijing Olympics may be just around the corner, but the dream among human rights activists that the games might push the Chinese towards being a responsible stakeholder in international affairs has run up against an appalling recent track record in Africa. In Sudan, the BBC recently uncovered evidence of Chinese military support for the Sudanese government in Darfur, a violation of the UN’s arms embargo made all the more egregious by its discovery coinciding with the decision of the Prosecutor of International Criminal Court to charge President Omar al-Bashir for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. On Zimbabwe, ...