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Author: Nenad Marinkovic and Jenn Christian

Tensions Continue to Rise along Sudan-South Sudan Border As Heglig Apparently Falls Again to Southern Forces

Tensions Continue to Rise along Sudan-South Sudan Border As Heglig Apparently Falls Again to Southern Forces
Reports emerged late today that South Sudan’s military forces, the Sudan People’s Liberation Army, or SPLA, may have again taken control of South Kordofan state’s Heglig, home to Sudan’s largest remaining source of oil following the South’s secession. If true, this would mark the second time in weeks that the SPLA has occupied territory well within Sudan, and comes amid escalating violence along the ill-defined international border separating Sudan and South Sudan ...

A Show of Unity Among Sudan’s Opposition?

A Show of Unity Among Sudan’s Opposition?
Last week, the coalition known as the Sudan Revolutionary Front, or SRF, comprised of Darfuri rebel movements, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North, or SPLM-N, and the Beja Congress, met with two prominent Sudanese opposition parties to discuss their common goal of overthrowing the regime in Khartoum. The efforts of Sudan’s opposition parties to build a cohesive political strategy is wise, particularly if the coalition hopes to court international support for its fierce opposition to the NCP-led Khartoum regime ...

A Tripartite Proposal to Deliver Aid in Sudan: International Solution or Yet Another Discarded Idea?

A Tripartite Proposal to Deliver Aid in Sudan: International Solution or Yet Another Discarded Idea?
As famine or near famine conditions in South Kordofan and Blue Nile set in, the United Nations, African Union, and League of Arab States presented a proposal earlier this month that has the potential to pave the way for international humanitarian aid to reach civilian populations throughout the two Sudanese states. There is, of course, one problem: The proposal requires Khartoum’s agreement, which, not surprisingly, appears to be long in coming ...