Deal Making in Sudan

Enough experts analyze the agreements being negotiated by the major parties in southern Sudan's upcoming independence referendum ...
Left to Hitchhike: The Armed Forces of Southern Sudan

Professor Chris Blattman had a thought-provoking post on his blog last week. He wrote, "In Liberia, if you need a policeman you must pay him to come to you, since he has no transport." The same phenomenon can be seen here in Juba, the capital of southern Sudan ...
Southern Politicians Start Staking Out Positions on Hot-Button Issues

There has been a flurry of news out of South Sudan that made international headlines this week, including a couple that focus on pivotal issues in post-referendum Sudan ...
Praying for Peace and Nonviolent Elections in Sudan

“We have no one to care for us but God,” said Rebecca Lueth, 62, a pastor who traveled to Juba to attend a two-week long fasting and prayer meeting organized by the Episcopal Church of Sudan to encourage people to pray and work for peaceful elections next month ...
Preparing for Two Sudans

All signs indicate that Sudan, Africa’s largest state, will very soon split in two—either peacefully or violently. In a self-determination referendum scheduled for January 2011, the people of southern Sudan are widely expected to vote for separation from the north ...
News Clips – Southern Sudan Edition
In the run-up to next month’s nationwide elections, a diverse array of Sudanese opinions and perspectives on the polls abound. What follows is my ongoing attempt to filter some of the local print news sources I read on a daily basis out to the Enough Said readership ...
“There’s No Money in the Elections”

Six kids to care for, husband’s left town so she’s on her own, it’s over 100 degrees Fahrenheit and at 10 a.m., it seems like it’s already been a long day for Stella, a southern Sudanese woman running a tea and coffee stand in a market on the outskirts of Juba ...
News Clips—Southern Sudan Edition
A definite advantage to being based in Juba for a researcher like me is having access to Sudanese news publications on a daily basis. Reading these papers provides an excellent glimpse into the issues that southerners think are important ...
Southern Sudan President: South Will Defend Referendum “At Any Cost”

East African leaders from seven nations convened in Nairobi, Kenya this week at an extraordinary summit of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development, or IGAD, to focus on the challenges facing Sudan in the coming months, including implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and Sudan’s nationwide elections, set to occur next month ...
Heard and Overheard in Juba

As a current resident of Juba, the capital of southern Sudan, I have noticed that politics infiltrates many aspects of life, and that my own enjoyment of “talking politics” is shared by many fellow Juba residents, from elderly men reading newspapers to younger men arguing over a game of cards at a neighborhood bar ...