The Hill Op-ed: The case against Sudanese President Omar al Bashir

The tenth anniversary of the genocide in Darfur has focused renewed attention on the crimes that the Sudanese regime has committed against its people and the pending International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrants for President Omar al Bashir and other Sudanese officials. But the fact that the regime’s crimes extend far beyond Darfur and continue to this day has remained under the radar ...
The Hill Op-ed: Renewing Congress’s commitment to peace in Darfur and Sudan

Ten years ago this month, brutal attacks by the Government of Sudan against the people of Darfur first began to reach the world's attention ...
Congo in 2020…

The international affairs magazine Global Brief recently asked two professors and Enough Project Executive Director John C. Bradshaw to envision the Democratic Republic of Congo seven years from now, in 2020. Bradshaw’s response, posted below, appears alongside the perspectives of Professor Calestous Juma from Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government and professor Gwendolyn Mikell from Georgetown University ...
Converting Rhetoric Into Reality on Atrocity Prevention

In April 2012, President Obama went all-in rhetorically when he asserted that preventing mass atrocities and genocide is a "core national security interest and a core moral responsibility of the United States." Such statements are in part an outgrowth of the American public's horror at the genocide and atrocities of recent decades in places like Bosnia, Rwanda, and Darfur. But as the limited U.S. response to the ongoing conflict in Syria illustrates, there is not yet a full understanding of the centrality of preventing mass atrocities to our national security ...
HuffPo Oped: Creating Conflict-Free Companies for the 21st Century

Conflict minerals from eastern Congo, found in our cell phones, computers and jewelry, are mined in conditions of armed violence and human rights abuse. Mining in Africa doesn't have to be this way. Dialogue and engagement between consumers, miners and civil society leaders in Africa is needed to find real, sustainable solutions ...
GlobalPost Oped: Sudan Faces New Charges of War Crimes

In the caves in Sudan's Nuba Mountains, individuals are fighting for survival and are unable to bring their grievances against the government of Sudan before domestic, regional, or international judicial or political institutions. That is why this week, when the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights convenes for its 51st ordinary session in the Gambia, it will consider a petition against the Republic of Sudan filed by the Enough Project ...
Military Advisers to Central Africa Only One Piece of the Puzzle

Although the initial media reaction to President Obama’s announcement that he was deploying “a small number of combat-equipped U.S. forces…to central Africa to provide assistance to regional forces working toward the removal of Joseph Kony from the battlefield” was one of shock, in fact there’s a strategic method to all this madness ...
Sudan: Irrefutable and Nearly Immediate Proof of War Crimes

The wall of impunity that has long protected war criminals is crumbling. And that process is now accelerating through the use of technology. Atrocities committed during military actions or in campaigns of ethnic cleansing used to be routinely denied, disputed, and covered up for years. With the advent of the International Criminal Court a decade ago, investigations and charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide began to come more quickly and the accused perpetrators have been put under a harsh spotlight while the court's process moved forward ...
Waking the Sleeping Giant: Call on the U.S. to Lead the Charge to Certify Congo’s Conflict Minerals

This post originally appeared on Under Secretary of State, Robert Hormats, recently said the issue of conflict minerals in the Congo is “one of the greatest moral issues of our time … and one that requires bold, resolute, and moral action by the U.S.” As citizens and consumers we have never been closer to helping reduce violence in eastern Congo. Now we need the Obama Administration to be a leader in the final charge ...
South Sudan’s Gathering Storm

With General Radko Mladić now in the dock in The Hague to face charges stemming from the atrocities committed by troops under his command during the Bosnian War, the contrast with events in Southern Sudan could not be more appalling. Sudan’s government, led by President Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir, has taken a page from its Darfur playbook by waging war once again on civilians and their property, this time attacking the disputed border region of Abyei on the eve of South Sudan’s legal secession next month ...