Public Coalition Letter on Possible Bashir Trip
25 Sudan experts, human rights groups, and leading voices on genocide prevention, including George Clooney, Don Cheadle, John Prendergast and Omer Ismail, released an open letter addressed to President Obama, calling on the U.S. government to do everything possible to dissuade President Bashir from travelling to New York City for UN meetings ...
Clooney, Cheadle, Sudan Activists Write to Obama about Bashir Visit
WASHINGTON --- 24 Sudan experts, human rights groups, and leading voices on genocide prevention, including George Clooney, Don Cheadle, and Omer Ismail and John Prendergast of the Enough Project released a letter addressed to President Obama today, calling on the U.S. government to do everything possible to dissuade President Bashir from travelling to New York City for next week's U.N. meetings ...
Dreams Deferred in Abyei
This interactive timeline, which includes embedded videos, reports, and primary source materials, traces key events in the area from the 2004 Abyei Protocol to the present day ...
Joint NGO Position Paper: Breaking the Links
This group of 58 European and global non-governmental organizations calls on the European Commission to adopt legislation requiring European business entities to conduct supply chain due diligence in order to ensure that they do not contribute to conflict financing or human rights abuses in the production and trade in natural resources. Such legislation should, at a minimum, meet international standards endorsed by the United Nations and by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and reflect principles contained within the European Union's own Corporate Social Responsibility strategy ...
Five Stories You May Have Missed This Week
A weekly roundup of must-read stories, posted every Friday ...
Investors and Human Rights Advocates Set Expectations for SEC Dodd-Frank Conflict Minerals Reports
As companies prepare their first required reports on conflict mineral use to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC, key investors and human rights groups, have released a paper that sets expectations for the contents of the inaugural reports required by Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act ...
AllAfrica Op-ed: Bringing Peace to the Congo – a Blueprint for Special Envoy Feingold
The clashes in the eastern Congo over the past week have once again brought into sharp focus the enduring conflict between the M23 rebels and the Congolese military as well as the role of the recently-deployed United Nations intervention brigade ...
Enough Project Applauds President’s Appointment of Booth as Special Envoy to Sudan and South Sudan
Today, President Obama announced Ambassador Donald E. Booth as the new U.S. special envoy to Sudan and South Sudan ...
Security Council Issues Sudans Statements, Addresses Violence in Jonglei
Today, the United Nations Security Council issued a presidential statement on Sudan and South Sudan and a press statement on the situation in Jonglei. The Enough Project welcomes the Council's statements and looks forward to discussing these developments in greater detail ...
Congo’s National Army and M23 Rebel Group, Most Powerful Armed Actors in Eastern Congo
The M23 rebel group and the Congolese national army – currently the two most powerful armed actors in eastern Congo - pursue their interests through a set of relationships with other armed groups, reveals a new Enough Project infographic and accompanying table. A field dispatch further documents recent clashes between the Congolese military and the M23 rebel group ...