V-Day’s Eve Ensler Spotlights Congo with New Monologue as City of Joy Graduates First Class

March marks the end of the annual V-Day season as the last local groups at colleges and community and religious centers perform their renditions of playwright and activist Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues. First performed nearly 15 years ago, the monologues were created through interviews with women around the world. Ensler compiled composite vignettes, which explore the lives of women. V-Day campaigns have grown out of the Vagina Monologues movement and serve as the activism center of the movement ...
Rep. McGovern on Sudan: ‘We’ve Been Silent Too Long’
Congressman James McGovern (D-MA), a long-time advocate of human rights, addressed Congress last week about the ongoing violence in South Kordofan, Blue Nile, and Darfur, imploring Congress to recognize that “once again, the world is standing by, silent and passive, while the Government of Sudan wages war on its own people.” ...
U.S. Policy in Post-Election Congo: A Complex and Long Road Ahead

The outcome of the November Congolese presidential election has gained international attention and sparked serious legitimacy concerns. In the wake of post-election tensions, Congress has reached across bipartisan lines to call for increased U.S. involvement in Congo ...