Referendum Countdown: ‘Sky High’ Expectations in Sudan’s Unity State

Expectations for what the January referendum will bring are tremendously high among residents of Unity state in South Sudan. While anticipation for the vote has placated a population that has grown increasingly discontent with its government, these grievances have not gone away. If South Sudan receives its independence, the southern ruling party will have to address its people’s expectations or risk popular violence ...
Rights Groups Alarmed By Hostile Actions, Threats in Darfur

In response to alarming developments in the Kalma camp in Darfur, home to an estimated 100,000 internally displaced persons, or IDPs, both Save Darfur Coalition and Physicians for Human Rights have issued strong statements of concern ...
Where Indeed is the International Community?
A Khartoum Monitor editorial last week pointedly titled “Where is the International Community?” is an expression of the mounting frustration over the lack of progress on the two referenda and the lack of international engagement to push the two Sudanese parties over the diplomatic stumbling blocks ...
Sudan Official: Misseriya Settling in Abyei, Fueling Referendum Tensions
Tensions are rising over the contentious Abyei region as the two Sudanese ruling parties remain deadlocked over who will be eligible to vote in the region’s upcoming referendum in January, and southern leaders voice suspicion over the tactics of the North ...
Violence Erupts in Darfur Over Doha Peace Talks

In just the last week violence has broken out three times in two IDP camps—allegedly between groups in support of and those opposed to the peace process ...
Preparations Stall for Landmark Votes On Sudan’s Future
Five months and 11 days until Sudan is set to hold critically important votes for both the South and Abyei, much remains to be done. Here’s a quick look at the status of some of the remaining, major provisions in the CPA ...
Clinton Reaffirms U.S. Support to End Conflict Minerals Trade

One year after her own visit to eastern Congo, Secretary Clinton spoke out in favor of a new law to help regulate the trade in conflict minerals fueling violence there ...
New Report: Renewing the Pledge to Sudan’s Peace Deal
Sudanese actors and international guarantors remain ill-prepared for Sudan's referenda and the likely emergence of two new states, warned a new report ...
Gration Dissatisfied with ICC Ruling against Bashir, Publicly Contradicts White House Line

Most international actors have weighed in—in predictable ways—on the arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. President Obama's special envoy, on the other hand, veered off the script ...
Sudan: Marking the CPA’s Last Year
With the passing of the six-month mark before Sudan’s two referenda take place, some key international actors went on the record about their expectations and agendas as the countdown begins ...