The lack of a credible, effective, internationally mandated and leveraged peace process addressing the escalating war in Congo is becoming a major reason for that war’s continuation. The closed-door International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, or ICGLR, summit between heads of state from Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda- without the involvement of political parties, civil society elements, and armed groups representing the diverse voices of eastern Congo- resembles all of the failed deals that came before it through similar processes. A deal between just the biggest guns is unlikely to address the root causes of the conflict in the eastern Congo. Instead, the declaration issued by the heads of state summit at Kampala, Uganda represents another short-term security agreement that ensures that Congolese President Kabila remains in power while international pressure is removed from Presidents Kagame and Museveni of Rwanda and Uganda, respectively.
- Part Two of the three-part series: What Is Not Said Is What Divides’: Critical Issues for a Peace Process to End the Deadly Congo War