WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Enough Project’s Co-founder, John Prendergast, will testify Thursday, January 9 at 10:15am at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, “The Situation in South Sudan", along with a panel of Africa and Sudan experts including Ambassador Princeton Lyman, The Honorable Linda Thomas Greenfield, The Honorable Nancy Lindborg, and The Honorable Kate Almquist Knopf.
Prendergast will discuss the recent violence in South Sudan, and a path forward for peace.
Enough Project Co-Founder John Prendergast states:
"A quick and dirty power-sharing deal is not the answer to South Sudan’s problems. Simply redistributing power to combatant factions on the basis of the territory under their control would be a huge error. A cessation of hostilities is a first order priority, but what follows must be much more inclusive, transparent, and multi-layered than any of the processes that have come before if sustainable peace is to have a chance in South Sudan."
Read John Prendergast's full testimony here.
The Enough Project is a project of the Center for American Progress to end genocide and crimes against humanity. Founded in 2007, Enough focuses on the crises in Sudan, South Sudan, eastern Congo, and areas affected by the Lord’s Resistance Army. Enough conducts intensive field research, develops practical policies to address these crises, and shares sensible tools to empower citizens and groups working for change. To learn more about Enough, go to www.enoughproject.org.