Enough Project Media Advisory
Contact: Carine Umuhumuza, [email protected], 202-478-5314
Enough Project Announces Release of Arabic Language Report
WASHINGTON – The Enough Project announces today the release of an Arabic translation of our report on the economic imperatives of escalating violence in Darfur. The report, “Economics of Ethnic Cleansing in Darfur,” is based on research from a trip to the region earlier this year, and confirms that the Sudanese government is sponsoring violent clashes to strategically pacify restless janjaweed militias and consolidate economic control over Darfur’s rich natural resources.
The release of the report in Arabic is a demonstration of the Enough Project’s efforts to reach beyond our English-speaking audience and make our research on patterns of recent violence in Sudan accessible to the Sudanese public. As mass protests spread across Sudan, we hope that our report can be a resource to Arabic-speaking scholars, civil society and activists about events unfolding far from the capital, in Darfur.
Read “Economics of Ethnic Cleansing in Darfur” press release in Arabic.
Read “Economics of Ethnic Cleansing in Darfur” report in Arabic.