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2017 Conflict Minerals Company Rankings

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2017 Conflict Minerals Company Rankings

Posted by Enough Team on February 14, 2017

This Valentine’s Day the Enough Project is excited to announce we will once again be ranking leading companies on their efforts to source conflict-free minerals from Congo. With the Dodd-Frank 1502 conflict minerals law under increasing threat of being repealed or weakened, this consumer holiday is the perfect time to let companies know we expect a strong commitment to conflict-free sourcing.

In 2010 and 2012 Enough ranked the world’s leading consumer electronics companies, and in 2014 we released our jewelry leaders review. This year, we’re ranking both electronics and jewelry retail companies on their progress in four main categories:

  1. Tracing and auditing their supply chains for conflict minerals
  2. Helping develop a conflict-free minerals trade from Congo, particularly gold
  3. Supporting livelihoods for artisanal mining communities
  4. Conducting advocacy, particularly public policy work to weigh in on the Dodd-Frank 1502 conflict minerals law

We need your help to demonstrate that consumers care about what the companies they buy from are doing on conflict minerals. Get started now by spreading the word. 

Companies, governments, and activists have contributed to important progress to end the conflict minerals trade, but there is an urgent need to continue working on this issue, as armed groups still profit from some key minerals. Today, thanks in part to the work of conscientious companies and governments, the good news is that 79% of miners at tantalum, tin, and tungsten (3T) mines surveyed in eastern Congo now no longer work under the threat of armed groups. However, there are still major risks to be dealt with. For example, 64% of gold miners work at conflict-affected mines that benefit deadly armed groups. There is important work remaining to build a conflict-free, responsible minerals trade in Congo, and this is a critical time for companies to actively and publicly show their support for Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

Join us in highlighting the importance of companies taking action to source conflict-free minerals from Congo for their products.