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Forgotten Wars: Sudan’s Periphery Smolders with Focus on South Sudan

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Forgotten Wars: Sudan’s Periphery Smolders with Focus on South Sudan

Posted by Omer Ismail on January 30, 2014

Escalating violence, displacement, and new political developments in the areas along Sudan’s periphery—Darfur, South Kordofan, and Blue Nile—are going largely unnoticed as international attention focuses on violence in South Sudan. A relentless, large-scale Sudanese military campaign in these three areas, first announced in November 2013, continues to exact a punishing toll on hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians within Sudan. Meanwhile, shifting political alliances in Darfur are raising new concerns about worsening violence. In the wake of a burgeoning conflict in South Sudan, global awareness of developments in Sudan has ebbed with less media coverage and a less concerted diplomatic focus. However, senior policymakers cannot afford to adopt a binary approach to conflict management in the two Sudans. Increased air strikes in Sudan, and worsening humanitarian conditions in camps demand renewed engagement on multiple fronts as conflict in both Sudan and South Sudan worsens.

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