Satellite Sentinel Project Press Release
For Immediate Release
Contact: Carine Umuhumuza, [email protected], 202-478-5349
Clooney's Satellite Sentinel Issues Human Security Alert for Sudan's South Kordofan and Abyei
The Satellite Sentinel Project, which George Clooney founded along with John Prendergast in 2010, is issuing a human security warning for civilians living south of Kadugli in Sudan’s South Kordofan state and for those in the hotly contested Abyei area. Satellite images reviewed by DigitalGlobe Analytics show unusually high levels of activity at several Sudan Armed Forces, or SAF, military installations in Sudan’s North and South Kordofan states, which could signal planned deployments toward several locations, including the highly contested Abyei area. DigitalGlobe satellite imagery also corroborates earlier reports of SAF destruction at Buram bridge in September 2013. The bridge destruction isolates two rebel-held towns, Tess and Buram, leaving civilians vulnerable to attack from SAF troops based nearby.
The destruction of Buram bridge, the increased troop buildup, and the appearance of new ground and air materiel at several military installations collectively point to a possible new SAF military campaign before the end of the rainy season. Hundreds of thousands of Sudanese civilians in South Kordofan are potentially at risk.
Akshaya Kumar, Sudan and South Sudan Policy Analyst at the Enough Project said:
“Our ongoing satellite surveillance of Sudan can do more than document abuses after they happen. By combining credible information from citizen journalists in South Kordofan with analysis of satellite imagery, we're shining a spotlight on the potential for an attack, even before troops deploy. ”
Satellite Sentinel Project Co-Founder John Prendergast added,
“The Sudanese government has repeatedly bombed this area and denied humanitarian access to people for years. The military buildup that is growing at once across several areas is a chilling indication of what could quickly escalate, particularly with the planned referendum in Abyei. The international community must send a strong signal to the Sudanese government it will not tolerate attacks on innocent Sudanese civilians and the deliberate destruction of homes and farmland.”
DigitalGlobe satellites and the Enough Project analysts will continue to monitor the Abyei area and watch for increased activity near Buram and Kadugli. The Satellite Sentinel Project will issue additional alerts on signs of the Sudanese army's southbound movement.
Read the alert, "Human Security Warning: Sudan Army Poised for Offensive in South Kordofan or Abyei":