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South Sudan: Peace Requires Dismantling Systems of Corruption
The peace deal signed on September 12th in Addis Ababa between the government of South Sudan and armed opposition groups has significant flaws, including failing to address the looting by leaders of state resources and revenues. These shortcomings could easily lead the country right back to full-scale war.
The lack of meaningful checks and balances in the deal combined with entrusting the same leaders wielding the biggest guns to continue to loot South Sudan’s oil and other resources will not create an environment for peace. The state capture at the core of this conflict was not addressed in the September deal.
The United States and international community should impose sanctions and anti-money laundering measures on the networks of South Sudanese officials and their commercial collaborators who continue to loot the country’s resources and deny them access to the international banking system. Increasing pressure on these leaders will provide leverage for a more sustainable and inclusive peace agreement that has a chance to be successfully implemented.
Join us in urging the State Department to increase pressure on South Sudan’s warring leaders until a sustainable and just peace agreement is implemented:
.@StateDept @USTreasury must escalate use of financial tools in South Sudan to pressure leaders involved in gross corruption & human rights violations. The corrupt governance system must be dismantled. #SouthSudan https://eno.ug/2NR