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Vote to Create A Genocide Alert System from Google

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Vote to Create A Genocide Alert System from Google

Posted by Laura Heaton on October 5, 2009

Vote to Create A Genocide Alert System from Google

There are just four days left to vote in Google’s Project 10^100 contest to help select from among a slew of innovative ideas aimed at “changing the world by helping as many people as possible.” Google will dedicate the funds to develop up to five winning projects. Hands down, our vote goes for creating a genocide monitoring and alert system.

Vote here.

Here’s what Google says about the system:

Much of the necessary technology and data-gathering methodology already exists both for general crisis mapping and for early warning systems capable of preventing mass atrocities. A key remaining step is to make this data more widely available to strengthen international aid agency coordination, improve resource allocation, develop timely policy and help evaluate current humanitarian practices.

Michelle at’s Stop Genocide blog suggests you get out the vote by sending out this line via Facebook and Twitter: Pass it along – Vote to create a genocide monitoring and alert system at Google’s Project 10^100 (Remind your friends that voting ends this Thursday, October 8.)

Google created this video to get us all pumped up about voting. (Don’t forget to cast yours by this Thursday for the genocide alert system.)