The United Kingdom government is complicit in human rights abuses in Sudan according to human rights attorney Ali Agab Nour. By providing the Sudanese government military support, Nour argued before the high court in London that the U.K. violated its own overseas security and justice assistance policy. Even though the Ministry of Defence insists that it did nothing wrong, the U.K. is alone among Western governments in providing significant military assistance to the Sudanese government, which consistently ranks as one of the worst human rights abusers in the world.
In a July 2015 piece, The Guardian quoted Nour:
“I believe that any assistance to the [Sudanese] military that strengthens their capacity will allow them to commit more human rights abuses. It is a twisted logic that by giving advanced knowledge and training to the perpetrators of human rights abuses in Sudan, you protect human rights there.”
Read the entire article in The Guardian.