This Friday, acclaimed documentary, The Reckoning: The Battle for the International Criminal Court, is premiering in Washington, D.C. on the opening night of the new Politics on Film Festival. Director Pamela Yates and Producer Paco de Onís will be present for a Q&A following the screening.
Here’s a brief description of The Reckoning:
Late in the 20th century, in response to repeated mass atrocities around the world, more than 120 countries united to form the International Criminal Court (ICC)—the first permanent court created to prosecute perpetrators (no matter how powerful) of crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide. The Reckoning follows dynamic ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo and his team for 3 years across 4 continents as he issues arrest warrants for Lord’s Resistance Army leaders in Uganda, puts Congolese warlords on trial, shakes up the Colombian justice system, and charges Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir with genocide in Darfur, challenging the UN Security Council to arrest him…As this tiny court in The Hague struggles to change the world and forge a new paradigm for justice, innocent victims suffer and wait. Will the Prosecutor succeed? Will the world ensure that justice prevails?
Learn more about the film here, and learn more about the International Criminal Court on Enough’s special page on the ICC.