You know what the Obamas are reading (Jonathan Franzen and John Steinbeck) and playing (Scrabble and Taboo) on their 10-day vacation at Martha’s Vineyard, but what about the ads the president will see when he opens the paper each morning?
Sudan Now, a campaign led by a group of anti-genocide and human rights advocacy organizations including Enough, is running ads in both The New York Times—out today—and the Vineyard Gazette (Friday) as part of a new campaign that aims to influence President Obama’s upcoming decision on the future direction of U.S. policy in Sudan.
President Obama’s decision comes at a critical moment. The Darfur peace process has fallen apart as the security situation deteriorates, and four short months remain before a referendum that could split Sudan into two takes place. The ads, as well as a letter signed by 68 organizations, asks the president to choose a strategy that employs a balance of both incentives and pressures to urge Sudanese actors toward full implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and a sustainable peace agreement in Darfur. Twenty-one years of history with the Sudanese regime demonstrates that U.S.-led multilateral leverage and support to coordinated international negotiations can achieve meaningful results.
You can help spread the message too, through any one of these actions:
- Email or tweet President Obama, asking him to choose the proven and effective policy for Sudan.
- Facebook the White House page and post: "Mr. President, please make the right decision on Sudan. Act on Sudan Now." or a message of your own.
- Watch this new video from Stop Genocide Now and share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.