“The time has come for an urgent rethink of how the United States can contribute to peace in Sudan now, building on lessons of the recent past,” writes Enough Co-founder John Prendergast in a short paper released today.
“What’s Wrong with U.S. Policy Toward Sudan and How to Fix It” provides a point-counter point breakdown of areas where the Obama administration’s strategy is failing to live up to the policy that it rolled out last October. John’s paper addresses the Obama administration’s view of efforts to make peace in Darfur, implement the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and negotiate post-referendum arrangements between North and South, utilize and build U.S. leverage, and hold those most responsible for conflict in Sudan accountable. On each theme, the paper describes Enough’s alternative view of what the United States should be doing, based on both the solid policy that the Obama administration itself devised last year and the influential role America played over the past decade to bring an end to the long war between North and South.
Read the full report here.
Photo: Special Envoy Gration and U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice at the Sudan policy launch, October 2009 (State Department)