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In a letter to the Senate Leadership and Foreign Relations Committee Chairs, the Enough project joined 129 other organizations in calling on the Senate to swiftly confirm Gayle Smith as the next Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
Given the ongoing humanitarian crises in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, and South Sudan, as well as the recent crises in Nepal and Yemen, it is critically important that the U.S. Senate take quick action to confirm Ms. Smith as USAID Administrator. Moreover, a full-time leader with the ability to represent the agency before Congress and OMB, as well as representing the U.S. in international fora, will only strengthen U.S. leadership on global initiatives focused on helping people in the world’s poorest places become independent and reach their full potential.
Ms. Smith has demonstrated deep commitment and expertise in global development and humanitarian assistance through her decades of service as a journalist, advocate, and National Security Council (NSC) advisor. As the Senior Director for Development and Democracy on the National Security Council, Co-Founder of the ENOUGH Project, Co-Founder of the Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network, and member of the HELP Commission, Ms. Smith has worked with our community to ensure robust U.S. leadership to improve the effectiveness, transparency, and accountability of official development assistance, effective responses to humanitarian crises, and support for developing countries to build sustainable futures.
– Excerpt from the letter to Senators Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, Bob Corker, and Ben Cardin
Click here to read the full letter.