The Darfur Dream Team is returning to Darfuri refugee camps in eastern Chad and this time, I get to go with them. It will be my first trip to the camps as the new Sister Schools Program Manager, and I am ready. Got my shots (ouch), my visa (yay), my ticket (woot), and letters from the U.S. students to their sister schools in Chad (excellent!). The opportunity to see those wonderful faces whose videos, messages, and lives have been an important part of my life for the past four months is incredible.
It will be a chance to see our efforts in action, visiting the schools, meeting the students and teachers, and working with our team members from i-ACT to connect Darfuri students with their peers here in the United States. During the last trip, our team connected the Darfuri students in Djabal camp to their counterparts here in the United States, and we will be doing the same in Goz Amer this time.
And, thanks to the funds raised by our energetic and committed schools in the United States and supporters, the wish for education, articulated by the refugees during NBA star Tracy McGracy’s trip to the camps with John Prendergast and Omer Ismail, is coming to life. I look forward to seeing how the project is taking shape and bringing stories and photos back from the schools in Chad.
While we are in the camps, there will be many ways to participate in our trip and connect with Darfuri refugees. We have a trip headquarters on our website highlighting ways to get involved—like participating in a livestream of a school assembly on Tuesday, March 29.You can also give me suggestions of what you want to hear, see, and learn during the trip through the Darfur Dream Team’s Facebook page. I encourage you to share this amazing experience with me.
A bientot!