We’ve recommended a couple of times on this blog that if you have a chance to check out the antics of comedian, writer, and activist Jane Bussmann – either in book or show form – you shouldn’t miss it. If you live in New York City, today’s your lucky day.
For just $5 you can catch Jane’s performance of “Bussmann’s Holiday: The Worst Date Ever” tonight at 8 p.m. at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre. Her account of leaving her job as a celebrity journalist in Hollywood to travel to northern Uganda – prompted in no small part (as the story goes) by her infatuation with John Prendergast – is irreverent, controversial, profane, insightful, and certainly a new spin on human rights advocacy. With her book and show Jane Bussmann is raising awareness about the atrocities committed by the Lord’s Resistance Army and some of the interests that undermine efforts to stop the rebel group. I recently saw her show in Nairobi and wrote about it here.
To reserve a seat for tonight’s show, click here. Visit janebussmann.com/live-shows for a full listing of upcoming performances. Next stop: London.