Per Sudan Special Envoy Major General Scott Gration’s recommendation on how to deal with misbehaving regimes, members of STAND, the student-led division of Genocide Intervention Network, left a giant gold star and happy face on the doorstep of the Sudan embassy yesterday afternoon. A group of students from local universities marched with the three-foot tall gold star and smiley face cut-outs from Dupont Circle to the embassy to express disbelief with General Gration’s remarks published Monday in the Washington Post. (Ben Smith of Politico made note of the stunt on his blog.) Said Mickey Jackson, National High School Outreach Coordinator for STAND and freshman at American Univerity:
“As the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate, a coherent Sudan policy is more crucial than ever. It needs to consist of more than just cookies, gold stars, and happy faces for an indicted war criminal. Countries are not kindergarteners.”
Daniel Teweles, STAND’s National Student Coordinator, said STAND felt impelled to highlight General Gration’s comments because he is reportedly leading the White House’s approach to Sudan. Teweles said:
“Stunts aren’t going to stop the genocide, and Gration’s ‘gold stars’ approach won’t either. We want the president himself to step in here and make sure his administration’s approach is up to snuff.”