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Daily Beast Op-Ed: ‘The Good Lie’ and the Hard Truths of South Sudan

South Sudan
Daily Beast Op-Ed: ‘The Good Lie’ and the Hard Truths of South Sudan
The Good Lie should be about the past. Unfortunately, a new war, rooted in the embers of the one that brought the Lost Boys and Girls to America, has engulfed South Sudan today ...

CNN Op-Ed: At the UN, Janjaweed is a Dirty Word

CNN Op-Ed: At the UN, Janjaweed is a Dirty Word
Ten years ago this week, then-Secretary of State Colin Powell declared that genocide had been committed in Darfur and that the government of Sudan and the janjaweed bore responsibility for those acts. Even though it did not actually trigger a legal obligation to act, many hoped that using the "g word" meant that the United States was crossing the Rubicon and committing itself to stopping the violence in Darfur, Sudan's most troubled region. The janjaweed, however, are still at large in Darfur -- and with the Sudanese government's help, they are now arguably more powerful than ever ...

Daily Beast Op-Ed: Changing the Narrative on Africa

Daily Beast Op-Ed: Changing the Narrative on Africa
If America really wants to help Africa grow with trade and investment, it needs to ditch a number of stereotypes it still holds. Enough's founding director, John Prendergast talks ways to counter negative stereotypes about Africa ...

Think Progress Op-Ed:The Way to Bring A Lasting Peace In The Congo? Women.

Think Progress Op-Ed:The Way to Bring A Lasting Peace In The Congo? Women.
When Nobel Peace Prize winner Leymah Gbowee led women in song at the fish markets on the Liberian coast in the late 1990s, she began one of the most striking peace movements of our time. Amidst brutal civil war, Gbowee mobilized women across diverse religious and political affiliations to demand inclusion in their country’s peace process. As they advanced from church basements to picket lines to presidential palaces, little did Gbowee know she would inspire women over a decade later, almost three thousand miles away in the war-ravaged eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo ...

Daily Beast Op-Ed: Obama’s Africa Summit and the New Danger in Congo

Daily Beast Op-Ed: Obama's Africa Summit and the New Danger in Congo
The U.S. and the U.N. have an opportunity to prevent further bloodshed in Central Africa, if they’re prepared to take certain steps to do so ...

Daily Beast Op-ed: Creating Consequences for South Sudan’s Political Elite

South Sudan
Daily Beast Op-ed: Creating Consequences for South Sudan’s Political Elite
As South Sudan marked its third independence day amid ongoing conflict, Enough Project Sudan and South Sudan Policy Consultant Justine Fleischner wrote about her recent experience with displaced youth in Bentiu, South Sudan, the dire situation that the conflict has created for millions of civilians, and the need to establish consequences for the leaders' failure to cooperate toward creating a peaceful solution ...

The Hill Op-ed: Freezing Bank Accounts and Tracing Assets: America’s New Front Line

Pundits and policymakers alike increasingly push the narrative that America’s influence is waning and that it lacks the leadership to get anything done internationally. Despite the rhetoric plastered across editorial columns, a quiet, but ruthlessly effective effort is targeting and punishing international criminal actors and regimes on America’s newest front lines: the international financial system. Akshaya Kumar and Ken Sofer explain why Congress should give the Department of Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control the resources necessary for an expanded mission ...

VICE News Op-ed: Sudan’s Silent Suffering Is Getting Worse

VICE News Op-ed: Sudan's Silent Suffering Is Getting Worse
Sudan may be the world’s most murderous conflict. But the suffering of its people has been obscured, redacted, made silent. It is almost unfathomable that things could get worse, yet today the scale of violence is rising to unprecedented levels. The situation may sound hopeless - but that is not the case, as George Clooney and John Prendergast explain ...

Daily Beast Op-ed: The Curse of CAR: Warlords, Blood Diamonds, and Dead Elephants

Daily Beast Op-ed: The Curse of CAR: Warlords, Blood Diamonds, and Dead Elephants
Enough Project Non-Resident Senior Fellow Christopher Day explores how in ending the hideous civil war in the Central African Republic, sanctions against leaders may help, but it is also imperative to stop the illicit trade in gems and ivory that is funding the warlords ...

Op-ed: Minova’s Rape Acquittals Reveal Lessons for Congo

If Congo and the international community are to learn anything productive from the Minova trial, they will look beyond its verdict. The devil - and the value - is in the details ...