Satellite Sentinel Project Solves Mystery of Sudan Cellphone Video

Few have ever heard of the Nuba Mountains village of Um Bartumbu, and fewer still have been there. It is located in the conflict-torn state of South Kordofan, Sudan, where troops fighting for the government of Sudan, and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army-North, or SPLM/A-N, have been fighting since June 2011. But for new eyewitness reports obtained by citizen journalists, the recent discovery and release of a cellphone video, and new confirmation from DigitalGlobe and Landsat satellite imagery, the world would never know of the razing of the village and the forced flight of its inhabitants ...
A Win for Activism: SEC Finally Sets Date to Vote on Dodd-Frank Section 1502

After a one year delay, the Securities and Exchanges Commission, or SEC, announced yesterday, June 3, that it will meet on August 22 to finally vote on the adoption of conflict minerals regulations required by Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act ...
Enough 101: Meet Fatou Bensouda, Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court

This month, Gambia-born lawyer Fatou Bensouda assumed the high profile position of chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. This profile provides some details her background, both professionally and personally. It is part of the series Enough 101 ...
Enough 101: Who is Omar al-Bashir?

This week's post in the series Enough 101 is a profile of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir ...
Enough 101: The Lord’s Resistance Army in Darfur

This week's post in the series Enough 101 looks at the history of Sudanese backing of the Lord's Resistance Army and the group's presence in Sudan's Darfur region ...
Central African Republic: Refuge for the Lord’s Resistance Army

This week's post in the series Enough 101 is the fourth in a multi-part history of the Central African Republic ...
Reports: Satellites Show Buildup of Sudan Military Strike Aircraft in Range of South Sudan, Damage to Oil Infrastructure

The Satellite Sentinel Project, or SSP, released two new reports, documenting the latest developments in the conflict raging on the border between Sudan and South Sudan. The conflict has become increasingly violent since the Sudan People’s Liberation Army, or SPLA, advanced on Heglig on April 9. Heglig (known as Panthou to the South Sudanese) is a disputed territory, with both nations claiming that it is within their borders. The area provides an estimated half of Sudan’s oil resources, making it an economically critical location ...
Central African Republic: Diamonds, Darfur, and Democracy, 2003-2011

This week's post in the series Enough 101 is the third in a multi-part history of the Central Africa Republic ...
Central African Republic: Mutinies, Civil Wars, and a Coup, 1993-2003

This week's post in the series Enough 101 is the second in a multi-part history of the Central Africa Republic ...
Central African Republic: 90 Years of Chaos, 1903-1993

This week's post in the series Enough 101 is the first in a multi-part history of the Central Africa Republic ...